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Adrastia is an Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus who easily ranks in the top 10 of the 41st millennium's "Best hats" list which is really saying something. I am asking this, coz i need clear answer. A month ago everyone were saying, that "Order makes all your weapon assault, discussion over". Even on 1d4chan. Astra Militarum: More Competitive in 8th Edition? Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Join us by filling out a tiny 3 field form and you will get your own, free, dakka.

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Grimdark is an adjective used to describe a setting or situation in a fictional work that is considered dark, depressive, violent or edgy, particularly in fanfic. SNARK BAIT OO-HA-HA! While a good movie or show is fun, there's just nothing like the visceral pleasure of taking apart a bad one. And sometimes hating. The Wiki Rule trope as used in popular culture. "There's a wiki for that." There is no area of interest, no matter how narrowly defined, where a person.

“Rip and Tear” is a memorable quote uttered by the protagonist DoomGuy while under the effects of a berserk powerup in the 1996 Doom comic book titled

This article is bad and may or may not require deleting. Comment on the article's talk page. Reason: If the page creator can't be assed to at least put something.

Grimdark is an adjective used to describe a setting or situation in a fictional work that is considered dark, depressive, violent or edgy, particularly in fanfic. This article is bad and may or may not require deleting. Comment on the article's talk page. Reason: If the page creator can't be assed to at least put something.
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